Favorite Quotes

  • It's Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been - George Eliot

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Calendar Girls & Chocolate Chip Cookies

My dear daughter and her wonderful partner brought over this film for us to watch last evening. I made homemade, from scratch chocolate chip cookies. Richard brewed a wicked pot of Dunkin Donuts coffee; we're addicted to the stuff...no Starbucks for us, mind you. It was so pleasant to see older, "normal" women on the screen. While Hollywood is the peddler of "eye candy", Great Britain offers a little something more enriching and Calendar Girls is a perfect example. Helen Mirren and the entire ensemble were credible tributes to the spirit of real women and what we can accomplish if we set our minds to it. The English countryside was idyllic and this true story was told with humor and joy. I'd love to meet the original calendar girls; I believe I heard they raised over a million dollars for the local hospital! If you've got a few hours, sit down with your family. Nibble a cookie, sip your coffee and enjoy. I know tea might be a more appropriate choice of beverages considering the film's origins but somehow I know Chris and Annie would approve. So then, raise your cups and say "cheerio" to a wonderful time well-spent!

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